AH6LE Repeater and Remote Base System
Listen to AH6LE Repeater System Live
Chehalem Ridge, Oregon (Newberg) 442.675 Out / 447.675 In PL 100.0 Hz (1Z)
- Radio Type: Yaesu DR2x UHF Repeater operating in AMS Mode
- Power Output: 50 watts continuous duty
- Duplexer: Phelps-Dodge 526-4-1 Bp/Br 6 cavity
- Controller: Arcom RC210
- Linked to the other repeaters using Allstar
- GMK Mini PC running Proxmox VE to provide VMs for Debian Linux VM (for Allstar) and Windows (running Arcom RCP software and Arcom Updater)
- Ubuiquiti PBE500AC 5.8 GHz dish (27 dBi) for connection to AREDN Mesh Network (for Allstar and WebRCP). Also Ubiquiti PBE400AC pointing North to provide AREDN to Livingston Mtn, Washington State
- 2 Meter Remote Base: Kenwood TM-271A, remotely programmable
- Antenna: Diamond X700HNA
Located just west of Newberg, this repeater and remote base provides great coverage from Salem/Corvallis to the South, to the Cascades to the East, to parts of the Oregon Coast to the West to well past Vancouver to the North.
Butteville, OR Allstar/EchoLink Hub computer
- Mini PC, running Allstar 64 bit under a Proxmox VM, serving as linking hub for repeater system using the AREDN Mesh Network. Links Chehelam Ridge and Parrett Mountain sites, as well as acting as gateway for public EchoLink connections into the system and Allstar connection from Maui County Allstar/IRLP Repeater system (14 repeaters)
Parrett Mountain OR 146.920 Out / 146.320 In 441.875 Out / 446.875 In
100.0 Hz (1Z)
- VHF Repeater Motorola Quantar 125 watts. UHF Repeater Kenwood TKR-850 with TPL 90 watt amplifer
- Duplexer: VHF - Telewave TPRD-1556 6 cavity Bp/Br. UHF - Phelps-Dodge 526-4-1 Bp/Br 6 cavity
- Preamp: VHF - AngleLinear PHMET with 2 cavity preselector/filter UHF AngleLinear PHMET with 1 cavity preselector/filter
- Controller: Arcom RC210
- Ubuiquiti PBE400AC 5.8 GHz dish (27 dBi) for connection to AREDN Mesh Network (for Allstar and other applications). Also East Facing Ubiquiti 120deg 5.8 gHz Sector
- GMK Mini PC running Proxmox VE to provide VMs for Debian Linux VM (for Allstar) and Windows (running Arcom RCP software as well as Motorola RSS software for monitoring and configuring of Quantar repeater)
- Antenna: Diamond X700HNA
Located at the very top of Parrett Mountain, these repeaters provide solid coverage from well north of Vancouver, WA, Hillsboro to Salem (and points south) and points East. Access to EchoLink and the 2 Meter Remote Base is via the links and hub repeater